Building National Strategy for Quality and Competitiveness

Building National Strategy for Quality and Competitiveness

By: Maj Gen Mian Salimuddin


Ex-Director General EME & Defense Science & Technology Organization (DESTO) Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN.Strategies and policies are useless without an organizational structure capable of handling the Quality, Productivity and Performance measurement issues of the public sector and industry. If we are to achieve a reasonable share of the world business economy, we need to have a sound national strategy based on the way the government and industry function. Pakistan & apos;s economy is facing a new set of social and business challenges under the impulse of globalization and recent international recession. There is a need for a major reformation of our national strategies in order to operate as a social and business entity. Our economic operators must improve their technological and managerial competence, and the public administrators must facilitate the creation of an environment favorable to supporting a sustainable development of society. The main goal, for all partners, must be improving competitiveness. The standard of living of the population must be raised, along with credibility and trust in our Quality, which must
become a national hallmark rather than individual acts. At the same time productivity must be enhanced to meet the new era of tough competitiveness. Lessons must be learned from successful regional groups, nations, organizations and individuals. In order to compete with both the visible and invisible challenges, the conservative approach to maintain the status quo will lead towards further backwardness of Pakistan in the global scenario and will harm its economic interests. The challenge that faces our modern society includes the revitalization of our social and religious
values coupled with the most up-to-date technological and industrial growth, effective utilization of Information Technology, and the protection of our national heritage. New forms of partnerships are required between individuals, companies, trade bodies, professional entities, consumers, industry, both private and public, and the provinces. Internal and external customers’ demands have grown extensively and rapidly. They no longer accept inferior products, they demand the best at the lowest price; and they ask for much greater value for their money. This
increases pressure on the producers & apos; to improve the quality of their goods and services. A new paradigm is being created – “The Society towards Excellence”. Not only the economic operators, but also public services (schools and public administrations – at local, provincial or national level) must together reinvent their relationships and working methods, to organize and to manage a joint project – Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness at the service of the society in Pakistan. With this in mind, the Quality and Productivity Society of Pakistan (QPSP) participated in the National Planning Commission sub-committees and developed a report in 2006. The group
worked in 2006 to study the issues and responsible organizations for Poor Quality and competitiveness at the national level. The committee worked for four months to study and develop the appropriate frameworks to improve the quality and competitiveness of Pakistani products and services. It developed a comprehensive program titled 'Excel Pakistan' which comprises of a framework and structure to assure Quality at the national
level. It included three sub-components referred to as: (1) Q-Government, (2) Q-Education and (3) Q-Industry. Each component of the Excel Program requires three enablers: (1) Structure and Organization, (2) Management, Programs, Commitment & Resources, and (3) Citizens’ Patronage and Legal Framework. The proposals are based on the professional principles of Total Quality Management and good international practices. They are discussed from the practical point of view, covering: Reasons for Low Quality and Productivity, Recommendations.