Lean Management is a set of modern management techniques to raise the productivity and efficiency of an organization to world class level. It is now being implemented in all forward looking organizations, whether in service or manufacturing sectors. The course is specially designed to provide comprehensive and practical exposure to participants with real life examples. It enables individuals to reflect on the way they work, discover new tools and approaches, and obtain expert advice to minimize all types of operational wastes, like rework, unnecessary inventory, transpiration, extra motions of manpower, waiting times, inappropriate processing or over production, etc; or generally known in Japan as MUDA. The Body of Knowledge of this program is compatible to Lean Bronze Certification of American Society for Quality (ASQ) and Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).

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Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Understand different classification and types of wastes in organizations.
  2. Understand and apply modern Lean Management Tools.
  3. Roles and responsibilities in the implementation of Lean Management.
  4. Carry out practical projects to improve the Lead time, Cycle time , Standardized work, or Productivity in your
    current organization to display the practical application of the technical knowledge.
  5. Be able to initiate or improve the important Lean Management programs in your departments or


Module 1. Strategic Lean Management
Module 2. Process Improvement Systems
Module 3. Scientific Thinking
Module 4. Stability Management
Module 5. Continuous Improvement Techniques
Module 6. Lean Six Sigma
Module 7. Project Management
Module 8. Lean Measurement System
Module 9. Customer Relationship Management
Module 10. Lean Supply Chain
Module 11. Lean for Service Sector


The participants are required to work on real life projects on selected topics and tools, preferably from the organizations in which they are working. The projects will be of a practical nature and should be completed within the stipulated time frames. A project report will be submitted in accordance with the laid down criteria, format and coverage.


The faculty is derived from a pool of qualified practitioners and academicians with sound track record and expertise in the field.


Course material, class notes and slides will be provided by trainers in hard/soft form.


Graduation in any field with good academic results


Qualified participants will be awarded with a Certification upon completion of course material, as well as qualifying the exam and the assigned project.


This is a professional course and will involve a number of higher level teaching methodologies. The course is spread over four months to allow inter-session study. In this respect participants will have to carry out timely study, investigations, and assignments to grip the subject. Discussions in the class are focused on the key points, create critical thinking, share experiences of fellow professionals and build professional maturity

Duration: 4 Months
Location: Lahore / Karachi

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