By: Dr. Nawar Khan & Dr. Mushtaq Khan


NUST Islamabad, This paper aims at discussion on the holistic approach of productivity; its concept, hard and soft factors, TQM tools and techniques, measuring indices and improvements programs applicable in all types of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Impact of positive productivity outcome is also highlighted in the national prosperity scenario.
Productivity starts from the generic production model with all input resources and transformation facility including controlled conditions which lead to specified outcomes of goods and services.
The resources can be both in hard and soft form. Variability in all these resources and transformation controlled conditions is a natural phenomenon. Reduction in variability of all these factors is done through TQM philosophy of continual improvement that leads to higher productivity. Monitoring and measurement of partial and total productivity is done through different indices in all types of industries which become the key for self comparison with past performance and even with other competitors in the sector, region and globe. Different structured improvement programs can be run to use TQM tools and techniques to reduce variability, resources utilization, waste and rework, thus enhance quality of outputs.
The importance of productivity improvement can be judged from the facts the almost all countries of the world are having their National Productivity Organization (NPO). Even cooperation among nations is visible in the form of different regional forums for the better cause of higher productivity and national prosperity. Enhanced partial and total productivity can lead to a positive chain reaction from micro to macro level; such as higher outcome, decreased cost, more margin of profit, more incentives for employees, more finances available for re-energizing the system hard and soft factors, increased dividend and more employment opportunities etc. This higher productivity growth can lead to more inputs into national exchequer which can be used for further industrial and social mega uplift
projects, thus reducing poverty and financial differential in a society. This shall also brighten the chances of quality of social life, harmony and peace at nation level.