Certified Labor Laws Professionals (CLLP) teaches how to develop a clear understanding of contemporary industrial relations principles and techniques as practiced in organizations. To develop skills in specific IR functions with special focus on implications, complications and application of Labor Laws, Negotiation. Over the past few years there has been growing realization that intrinsic success of organizations depends on highly competent and efficient human capital. This has brought an intense focus on Labor Laws & Industrial Relations Management. The need to develop the Human Resource is a continuous process and should be kept updated on regular basis according to the changes in the internal and external environment of Industrial and Commercial Organizations. Frequent changes in Industrial technology, laws and knowledge are forcing organizations to maintain equilibrium between employee’s intellectual needs and technological developments. Investment in HRD is the real key to gain organizational excellence.

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Upon successful completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

  1. To develop a clear understanding of contemporary industrial relations principles and techniques as practiced in organizations.
  2. To develop skills in specific IR functions with special focus on implications, complications and application of Labor Laws, Negotiation Skills, Resolution of Disputes through Bilateral. Negotiations, Conciliation, Arbitration and Maintenance of Discipline at Workplace.
  3. To develop and understand current issues in Labor Legislation and Industrial Relation Policies.
  4.  To bridge the gap between the Academia and the Industry to enable the later to meet the challenges of Development, Placement and Employment.


Module 1: Brief Introduction Of Labor Laws & Labor Rights

Introduction Class, Historical Context of International Labor Movement, International Labor Standards / ILO /EPR, Overview of Labor Polices & Labor Legislation in Pakistan,  International Labor Conventions / Standards, Applicable Labor laws in Pakistan. Different Labor Policies announced by Government of Pakistan, The Punjab Industrial Relations Act 2010, Labor Rights in Constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan Obligations of Workman and Employer.

Module 2: Industrial Relations Management

Law relating to formation of trade union, regulation and improvement of relation between employers and workers, Objective, Meaning and scope of IR Management, Method of Resolving Industrial Dispute,  Registration of Trade Union, CBA, Shop Steward, Unfair Labor Practices from employer or workers, Strike and Lock Out, Grievance Handling, National industrial relation commission, Methods of Resolving Industrial Dispute, Work Council, Conciliator, Arbitrator, Labor Court and Labor Appellate Tribunal, Rights of Association.

Module 3: West Pakistan Shops & Establishment Ordinance, 1969

Laws of Employment, Payments, Wages and Termination / Dismissal of employments Classification of workers, Payment of Gratuity, Provident Fund, Pension Fund, Profit Bonus Group Insurance, Pakistan Industrial and Commercial Employment Ordinance 1968, Disciplinary Procedure, Charge Sheet, Show Cause Notice, Inquiry Proceeding and Inquiry Reports, Correct procedures for recording statements in inquiry proceedings, Outsourcing, The Payment of Wages Act, The cost of Living (Relief) Act 1973, The Minimum Wages Ordinance 1961.

Module 4: The Factories Act 1934 & The Factories Rules 1978

Registration procedure under The Factories Act 1934 & Health & Safety of workers/ employees, Working Hours, Rest, Intervals, Weekly Holidays and Overtime & Penalties and procedures, ) Laws of Workmen Compensation, Bonus, Gratuity etc.

Module 5: Labor Laws Relating To Benefits Of A Worker

The Employees Old Age Benefit Act 1976, Social Security and self-assessment under Laws relating social security, The Punjab Employees Social Security Ordinance 1965, The Workmen Compensation Act, 1923,  The Workers ( Profit Participation) Ordinance 1968, The apprenticeship ordinance 1962.

Valuable For

Corporate Heads, HR & IR Managers/ Executives , Government Officials , Advocates, Armed Forces & NGO’s Personnel, Consultants & Students etc

Duration: 3 Months
Venue: Lahore

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